This script can be used to apply a discount on a selected item.
Administrator Menu > Maintenance > Resources
Create a resource Script.DiscountOnItem and copy paste below code:
pflag = 0; if (sales.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { String discountperc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter discount amount:n(Add a % sign at the end for percentage discount.)"); if (discountperc.length() > 0) { double discountrate = 0.0; if (discountperc.lastIndexOf("%") == discountperc.length() - 1 && Double.parseDouble(discountperc.substring(0, discountperc.lastIndexOf("%"))) > 0.0) { discountrate = Double.parseDouble(discountperc.substring(0, discountperc.lastIndexOf("%"))); discountrate = discountrate / 100.00; pflag = 1; } else if (Double.parseDouble(discountperc) > 0.0) { discountrate = Double.parseDouble(discountperc); } line = ticket.getLine(sales.getSelectedIndex()); if (pflag == 1) { line.setSalePrice(line.getPrice() - (line.getPrice() * discountrate * 1)); } else { line.setSalePrice(line.getPrice() - discountrate); } } } else { java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } Save