Here is how you can print list of edited bills
(Note: To enable any command remove <!– at the start and –> at the end of the command lines. Disabled commands will be green in color, once enabled the color changes to black and red combination, for commands with — at the start just remove the —, for single line commands with // at the start remove the // to enable)
Administration Menu > Maintenance > Resources
1. Enable in Ticket.Buttons (Line 57)
2. Enable SALES_LOG; in CloseCash.Reports (Line 16)
3. Add below lines at the bottom in
if (ticket.printId()=="") { ticket.setProperty("ACTUALTOTAL", ticket.printTotal()); ticket.setProperty("ACTUALDATE", ticket.printDate()); } else { ticket.setProperty("EDITED", "TRUE"); } Save
Add below lines at the bottom in Printer.CloseCash and Printer.PartialCash
<!-- EDITED BILLS REPORT START --> <line></line> <line> <text bold="true">Edited Bills</text> </line> <line> <text align="left" length="10">#</text> <text align="left" length="24">Date</text> <text align="right" length="14">Total</text> </line> <line> <text>------------------------------------------------</text> </line> #foreach ($line in $payments.getSalesTickets()) #if($line.getProperty("EDITED")== "TRUE") <line> <text align="left" length="10">${line.printTicketId()}</text> <text align="left" length="24">${line.printTicketDate()}</text> <text align="right" length="14">${line.printAmount()}</text> </line> <line> <text align="left" length="30">Edited: ${line.getProperty("ACTUALDATE")}</text> <text align="right" length="18">${line.getProperty("ACTUALTOTAL")}</text> </line> #end #end <line> <text>------------------------------------------------</text> </line> <!-- EDITED BILLS REPORT END -->
Click the save button on top and restart.