This document will guide you on how to install Saleculator on your Android Tab or Phone
Android Installation New Method
(Support all distributions)
- Install Userland bVNC Free from Play store
- Add Ubuntu distribution in Userland, give username and password (Note down the suername and password)
- Start Userland and in the command line enter below commands:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install default-jdk sudo apt-get install nano sudo apt-get install unzip sudo mkdir /opt/Saleculator sudo apt-get install wget cd /opt/Saleculator sudo wget sudo wget sudo unzip sudo unzip
- Add Saleculator to autostart: (To enable autostart everytime you turn on the device)
sudo nano ~/.profile (Add below line at the end of file) java -jar /opt/Saleculator/SaleculatorPDA.jar CTRL+X, Y, Enter
- Fix resolution:
Check device resolution: (Visit the below website from your Tab/Phone)
Enter below lines: (In the Command Line)
nano .vncrc
$geometry = “732×412”;
CTRL+X, Y, Enter
6. Close userland and open it again. Select sessions (you can see it below). Press and hold ‘ubuntu >apps’. Stop the session.
7. Click on apps (you can see it below). Press and hold ‘ubuntu’ and select ‘app info’. Then select ‘vnc’. It will directly go to play store to install bVNC if you don’t have one already.
After the installation click on ubuntu distribution again. It will automatically open bVNC player and will run saleculator shortly.