Use this script when you need to print a sequence number for each receipt/kot generated from different counter/PDA
Maintenance > Resources
For sequence number on receipt:
1. Enable ticket.close event in Ticket.Buttons resource
2. Create a new resource event.close and copy paste the below code
Integer i=0; if(ticket.getGlobalValue()!=null) { i = ticket.parseInt(ticket.getGlobalValue()); } i = i+1; ticket.setGlobalValue(i.toString());
3. Copy-paste the below code inside Printer.Ticket to print the sequence number
4. Restart the software for this script to take effect
For sequence number on KOT:
1. Copy paste the below code in the resource Script.SendOrder
if(ticket.getProperty("Sequence")==null) { Integer i=0; if(ticket.getGlobalValue()!=null) { i = ticket.parseInt(ticket.getGlobalValue()); } i = i+1; ticket.setGlobalValue(i.toString()); ticket.setProperty("Sequence",i.toString()); }
(Remove the line ticket.setGlobalValue(i.toString()); if the numbers are printed in odd series, e.g., 1, 3, 5 etc)
2. Copy-paste the below code inside Printer.KOT1 to print the sequence number in KOT
<line><text>$ticket.getProperty("Sequence")</text></line> (If this didn't work try the below script) <text align="left" length="15" bold="true">${ticket.printProperty("KotNumber")}</text>
3. Restart the software for this script to take effect
For printing token number in closed bills and KOT, variable $token can be used.