(Note: To enable any command remove <!– at the start and –> at the end of the command lines. Disabled commands will be green in color, once enabled the color changes to black and red combination, for commands with — at the start just remove the —, for single line commands with // at the start remove the // to enable)
Administration Menu > Maintenance > Resources
Use below template in Printer.Label to encode and print product cost on label. You may use some meaningful phrase for encryption key.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <label> <text width="20" height="20" x="280" y="20">$product.printName()</text> <barcode x="320" y="110" type="CODE128" height="50" width="2" readable="N">$product.getCode()</barcode> <text width="30" height="30" x="280" y="170">Price:$line.printPriceSellTax()</text> #set($message = $line.printPrice()) #set($key = "ABCDEFGHIJK") #set($alphabet = "0123456789") #set($coded = "") #foreach ($index in [0..$message.length()]) #set($nextChar = $index+1) #if ($nextChar <= $message.length()) #set($curChar = $message.substring($index, $nextChar)) #set($charIndex = $alphabet.indexOf($curChar)) #if ($charIndex == -1) #set($coded = $coded + $curChar) #else { #set($coded = $coded + $key.charAt($charIndex)) #end #end #end <text width="30" height="30" x="480" y="170">$coded</text> </label>